
Why do apparently sanitation and hygiene requirements suddenly go out the window when your child leaves preschool and begins to attend public schooling.
If frequent bouts of head lice,impetigo, flew,general un-wellness and not to mention injuries were to occur while attending a private preschool and or daycare, parents would and do demand explanations.
Daycares and preschools in the local hrm have had licences revoked for less then what we willingly excepting from our public schools. Have we apparently forgotten we pay for this service with our valuable tax dollars?
I am always perplexed by this sad but often true fact, when things are free(or seemingly free) our level of expectation drops instantly and drastically.
For instance, when is the last time you have visited the doctors office and felt as if you were being hurried out the door without the slightest concern that you may or may not have finished what it is you have come to discuss in the first place? No doubt more often than not...If we were paying with our debit or master card as we left something tells me the experience we demand would be rather different and yes we would be using the full 15 min. our msi normally pays for. No I am not picking away at the wonderful health care so many of us Canadians have always know and have come to be proud of, it's the social dynamic of the situation that occurs when msi or the Government pays directly for us. Off back on it. If you paid by cheque would things be different? Would you hold on to your $6000 for the 175-195 days of public school with sweaty palms a little tighter before agreeing to pay if your child was frequently ill while attending? On that note I guess we shouldn't be to surprised due to the fact that they claim to be the best way to educate our children even though statistics point to the contrary. For most families the notion for home schooling is almost appalling and scary not to mention financially impossible. Most discussions with regards to educating from home would begin with the fact that your child will become socially backwards and or incapable of proper interaction with others in the future. So by that I would assume they believe abuse,intimidation, poor behaviour and language, survival in an all too frequent hostile environment is a requirement or right of passage to adult hood.
Ridiculous, after all our true goal is to raise our children to be smart independent full functioning adults not daycare, is it not? They can do that with out those notorious sticks, stones and names that most defiantly hurt them. Word to the wise, also constant bombardment of communicable viruses and infections does not make for a healthier immune system in a child, quite the polar opposite. I assume that same person would foolishly believe that the old wives tale of getting cold and wet gives you a cold or leaves you susceptible to one. Maybe it's time to demand those full 15 min provided by your doctor/msi/tax dollars and ask a few questions next time!
Loves and hugs Libby
PS. Wash your hands

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