Teachers are so strange

So...I wait by the tree to pick my son up after school but today it was seeming like it was taking a tad bit longer then usual. I walk up towards the school to find that teacher has Zach and is waiting to talk to me. I walk up only to be told that my son for the past couple days has not eaten a lot. Ok....ummm whatever teach...lol
I didn't say that but thought it. She was speaking as if there was some deep dark seedy reason as to why my son did not feel very hungry thursday and today.
(Well teach that's because I punch him in the jaw every morning as hard as I can so next time he'll know better than to talk back to me.) hahahahaha
Funny teachers don't feel they must approach and discuss things with you face to face when one of the teachers has accidently injured your child and caused a nasty scar all down his chest but hey this kid didn't eat his yogurt two days in a row....call the rcmp and contact the parents this offence must be stopped!!!!!
I appreciate the concern but next time you may want to bare in mind the fact that you seem like a moron for asking me why my kid didn't eat much today when you were the adult there.
Loves and kisses Libby the %#$@*&

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