X-Mas dinner speech

I'm not the speechie type, but I'm going to try.
It dawned on me earlier that this is the first Christmas if ever that we've all been together like this without uncertainty.
Unless however you want to consider my frequent tendency to lean towards irrationality. (Vogue pose and stupid grin a-la-Libby)!
Nevertheless... I have something I'd like to say.

The common thing to say is that this past year has been full of great memories to cherish for a life time.
Speaking on behalf of everyone here, that's a big load of Sh*t.
We've all had more than our fair share of heartache, stress, and to put it simply, misery.
But as the old story goes on Dec.24th. a star shone big and bright in the sky, many feared it and hid but a hand full of people found
a stinky camel and charged towards it, and found there was nothing to fear at all.
Sis...(I'd be your stinky camel any day)!!!

There is a ton of stuff on my table and yet it has never looked so big!
I love everyone here and want to to tell you if we seem to have a sh*tty 2011 just try and remember today.
That way we'll all know at least we all started it well.

To everyone who wasn't at my table but should have been...it's for you too!
Libby - Live long & prosper

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