Last nights fun at the I.W.K. hospital

9:15-11:18 at the Iwk. Time for stitches for Zachary again. I guess I should just be glad we had such a long stretch since the last time. This time it is the top of his head, sad part is that we had no clue. Now this is the moment that you wonder, ummm Libby how the hell do you miss a gash on your kids head? Well the answer is the kid has a lot of dark hair and we were busy shooting him with the nerfblaster. WHAT???? don't judge he was fine I know that because when I told him to get back up and run cause a moving target is more fun to shoot at, he did. Ok,all kidding aside. He fell bumped his head and we checked but didn't see it right away. He is fine. He is passed out on the little sofa now and I think it may be fully healed before we even see a doctor. I wouldn't normally complain about it if the whole waiting room wasn't full with under age girls that appear to be here to get a pregnancy test with their buddies. I heard one woman complain about waiting because her 4 year old had a temp. Of 102...(really). Wow I'm a first time mom who didn't notice missing chunks of scalp and I'm brighter than that. Guess that ladies mother missed her head injury all together. Well at least I have stories to write about. Another woman gave me plenty of entertainment when she asked her friend who she was voting for... Then she proceeded to inform her that whatever she does don't vote for "Mcnaddyif", you think your broke now...sigh...then she continued to complain about the wait time in the emergency room.(how many things are wrong with this picture)? Hahahaha and apparently the leader of the liberal party is also currently available on the McDonalds menu. Hi there, I'd like a double McNaddyif with cheese, large fries and a med sprite please.
12:03 and still waiting. One little fella has the flu, alone with daddy and dad needs a break so badly. Boy I don't miss those days. Heads up everyone if ever you feel that little unknown twinge in the pit of you stomach to have another child... Hang out in children's emerge for 3 or 4 hours and without even seeing a doctor your mild case of hysteria will be cured I promise.
Eww,eww,eww, some mom isn't watching her 2 year old very well I caught the little girl in the corner of my eye sucking up the last few drops of pepsi from numerous cans left from patients past. I think I'm going to vomit. Mom clearly didn't speak english and when I went to turn and speak to her she gave me a dirty look and checked to make sure her hair was neatly tucked in her ridiculous head scarf...Sorry kid, Darwin's theory still working it's magic, hope things work out for you.
What is it about waiting rooms that make people loose their mind?
A kid was clearly in pain with what turned out to be a fracture in her wrist ( saw a drawing in the room on a white board). Good that doctor didn't want to be an artist...but I could figure it Anyway she was pacing and angry cause her kid was congested. I wanted to punch her in the nose and say "Hey woman sit the hell down, that lady has a kid with a broken wrist and I have a son who is bleeding internally, don't hear us complaining"! LMAO
Wahoo 12:51 on my way home... The triage nurse said she thought we went home...WTH? I'm not even going to think about it nor write about it...I'm just glad to be on my way home. Zachary slept through the stitches...They were asking him to wake up and Zachary didn't open his eyes. The nurse stopped for a second and I could see something odd on her face. I said loudly...Zachary want some ice-cream. Bing up come the eyelids. That's my boy!
Really if the chance of brain injury was something that may even be a minuet possibility do you really think I would have spent the eve there watching family guy on my iphone and laughing my ass off?
Nite folks
Oh the many pleasures of raising a son with the attention span of a flea and a bad left eye that leads to zero depth perception...Good times, Good times!!!

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